
43 results - Page:  1 of 1
CLIPPER 5m wind extension cable
CLIPPER 7m depth transducer extension cable
CLIPPER Ais engine 3
CLIPPER AIS Plotter and Radar %2D Requires GPS Input VHF Antenna
CLIPPER Battery monitor instrument
CLIPPER Bluetooth Battery Monitor
CLIPPER Bm%2D1cg battery monitor compact grey
CLIPPER Bm%2D2 battery monitor w and shunt %2D 200amp
CLIPPER Compass repeater
CLIPPER Compass system w and remote fluxgate sensor
CLIPPER Cradle mount f and mobi navtex meteoman ais radar
CLIPPER Depth instrument w and thru hull transducer cover
CLIPPER Depth repeater
CLIPPER Depth trandsucer 150khz
CLIPPER Duet instrument depth speed log w and transducer
CLIPPER Easy log speed distance nmea 0183
CLIPPER Easy navtex w and antenna
CLIPPER Ex%2D1 exhaust temp monitor alarm
CLIPPER Gps repeater
CLIPPER In%2Dhull transducer mounting kit %2D transducer not included
CLIPPER Instrument pod f and 2 instruments
CLIPPER Instrument weather cover
CLIPPER Meteoman barometer
CLIPPER Mobi fob
CLIPPER Mobi man overboard indicator w and 3 fobs
CLIPPER Nmea compass sensor
CLIPPER Paddlewheel spindle
CLIPPER Speed log instrument w and transducer cover
CLIPPER Speed log paddle wheel unit complete with thru hull fitting
CLIPPER Speed log repeater
CLIPPER Speed transducer paddle wheel insert only no thru hull housing
CLIPPER Supernova combi led tricolor masthead anchor light
CLIPPER Supernova Tricolour Navigation Light
CLIPPER Tactical Wind Mast Sensor
CLIPPER Target nav%2Dfax hf3 and w
CLIPPER Thru hull transducer mounting kit
CLIPPER Wind cup assembly
CLIPPER Wind instrument w and masthead transducer cover
CLIPPER Wind repeater
CLIPPER Wind vane assembly
CLIPPER Wireless wind masthead data box nmea 0183
CLIPPER Wireless wind system complete w and display
CLIPPER Marine pc navtex pro usb
43 results - Page:  1 of 1